G11: Unveiling the Excellence
Ever found yourself puzzled about G11 and its mysterious nature? Fret not; we're here to unravel the secrets of what exactly G11 is and how to harness its unique characteristics.
What is G11?
To demystify G11, let's start with the basics. Garolite G11 is a fiberglass material compressed with resin. The resin, integral to G11's specifications, contributes to its distinctive properties. However, the exact resin blend is a closely guarded secret of each manufacturing facility, resulting in unique qualities for every G11 plate.
What Sets My G11 Apart?
Rest assured, my G11 adheres to ISO norms, ensuring strict compliance with specific specifications. This commitment guarantees uniformity across every batch of raw materials, allowing me to consistently deliver high-quality plates.
Where Can G11 Be Used?
G11 is versatile, suitable for use with materials ranging from PLA to ASA. Its true magic, however, shines with TPU, making it a breeze to release prints. G11 imparts a matte finish to your prints, resembling glass but without the shine. After cooling, your prints effortlessly detach from the build plate.
What Settings Should I Use?
Enjoy the convenience of default smooth plate settings with G11. While 60 degrees is suitable, given G11's sensitivity to temperatures, a slight increase by 5 degrees is recommended for optimal results.
How to Clean G11?
Cleaning G11 is straightforward. Common cleaning agents such as IPA 99%, Blue Spiritus (70%), or Ethanol 99% are effective. Apply a sufficient amount and wipe with a microfiber cloth for a pristine finish.
Embark on a printing journey with G11, appreciating its unique qualities and the ease with which it elevates your 3D printing experience.