Back Orders
Are you intrigued by the concept of Back Orders? This page serves as your comprehensive guide.
Back Orders apply to products currently out of stock. When you place a Back Order, consider it your ticket to securing a reservation. Once the product is back in stock, we'll promptly ship it to you. Until the item is shipped, you retain the flexibility to request a refund.
Eager to learn about Back Order wait times and eligible products? Let's explore the delivery timelines:
- G10 products, requiring approximately 12 weeks to restock raw materials.
- G11 products, on the other hand, only demand 2 weeks to replenish raw materials.
- Consequently, G11 items are generally in stock, while G10 items may require some patience.
And what about custom plates? Technically, custom plates are continually on Back Order status, activated only when raw materials are depleted.
The silver lining? Custom plates boast a swift processing time of about 2 days, as they are crafted upon request and shipped directly from Belgium.